Our map uses layers of interests that you can search to find what you want. Go for guidance on getting the best from our map.
Places of interest on our map might be identified by a pin, a shade or a line.
The map is first set to have all layers on which means there will be a lot of content with all interests and topics displayed.
If you want to create your own map according to the interests/topics you want to display on the map, simply choose select layers. This will take you to a searchable list where you can select the layers you wish to appear on the map.
After you have selected your layers, choose view map and the map will be adjusted to contain those places of interest as pins, shaded areas and lines on the map.
Should you want, at any time to search the places that are mapped, just select search map. This will take you to a list of everything contained on the map. Search through the full list or enter into the open text box, the name of the place you are looking for. Once you have made your selection, a brief description will appear in a pop up box. Here you can select feature and it will take you to more information.
The filter current map view allows you to view those places on the view of the map you have on your screen.
Now enjoy our map.
Together with community we are growing a map that contains open spaces and places you can go and enjoy. Not only great places to go and enjoy but great for health and wellbeing too.
Connect to your featured park for great photography, articles from members of our community, links for more information and so much more. Help us protect our open spaces history and heritage.